
The Serialization solutions by Business Cloud Link use Odoo to create better product traceability in the company's business. Tracking products by lot can be time-consuming and are never precise, to avoid that the Serialization solution offers clients a platform where businesses can use serial numbers for tracking products and goods individually.

Business Cloud Link’s Serialization solutions use unique identifiable numerical and sometimes, alphabetical sequences that are assigned to a specific product. The serialization solution with odoo not only increases productivity, and improves time efficiency but also eradicates any chances of errors or inconsistencies in the business data.

The platform for Serialization solutions uses serial numbers that are designated for individual products, which is used to avoid counterfeit products as well as theft encounters and can also be used for the identification of defective products while creating the production list.

Business Cloud Link has also kept in consideration the company's quality assessment processes. By determining the exact amount of defective products in all the batches of production even after the products are sold. The Serialization solution ensures accountability for the development and improvement of the company.

The Serialization solutions by BCL enable tracking product movements with an accurate location of every product even after the sale which results in saving a lot of time. Business Cloud Link designed the solution to offer effortless and efficient product traceability with integrated modules such as inventory, purchases, and much more all on a single platform.

The Serialization solutions by Business Cloud Link can also be effectively used for the sales of your company business. The platform offers access to companies for adding price quotations for a selected customer, reserving products in your inventory, tracking product movements as well as verifying and confirming sales.

Companies can order products from their vendors and create new RFQs with the serialization solution; new serial numbers for these products can be assigned in just a few clicks. Product traceability improves the productivity of a business by saving a lot of time and adding to the growth and development of the company.