Omni Channel

Business Cloud Link’s Omni-Channel solutions ensure stability by offering the clients an opportunity to stop relying on a single channel and achieve exposure for the business.

The Omnichannel e-commerce software solution by BCL offers clients a platform where tasks such as managing multiple listing updates and maintaining multiple catalogs become easier and faster while taking the company’s online presence to a new scale. Business Cloud Link offers companies a chance to experience the power of omnichannel selling to take their business to a new scale and company growth.

Manage listings

The Omni channel solution offers a central engine that will manage and publish all your listings on all the leading channels in just a few clicks.

Multiple channels Integration 

Business Cloud Link has an established connection with 50+ marketplaces, shipping services, and vendors that make the process of expanding the company business easier and much more efficient.

Catalog management

The platform provided by Business Cloud Link is designed to offer time efficiency, as clients no longer have to update several catalogs or switch between channels.

Link your Inventory

When a company receives an order or sells a product, Business Cloud Link allocates it to the orders and inventory across all channels and therefore, eliminates the chance of any error or overstocked shelves with the multichannel e-commerce software solutions. 

Integration with Amazon FBA

Business Cloud Link’s Omni Channel solution handles all the FBA inbound shipments and inventory of the company business. The platform also offers tools such as predictive restocking of the products by calculating the quantity in your inventory so your company never has to worry about product unavailability.

Global expansions 

The Omni Channel solution provides integration with channels that will enable your company for globally expansion. The platform offered by Business Cloud Link offers features such as multi-language and multi current support that makes international business much more efficient.